Posted by: anna | October 29, 2011

troparia for 16 October

Today (16 October) in the calendar of early western saints, with the troparia provided by M Lopez-Ginisty at Acathistes et offices orthodoxes we commemorate SS Gall, Magnobod, Ambrose of Cahors and Mummolin.

Ton 3 Tropaire à saint Mainbeuf, évêque d’Angers, (natalice en 654 A.D.)
Eduqué par les soins de saint Lézin d’Angers,*
Tu reçus de lui la tonsure cléricale,*
Puis tu devins prêtre et abbé de Colonet.*
A la mort de ton maître, tu le remplaças*
Et tu gouvernas avec zèle son église.*
Saint Mainbeuf prie Dieu pour qu’Il ait pitié de nous!

Tone 3 Troparion to St Magnobodus, bishop of Angers (+654)

Educated under the care of St Lezin of Angers,
You received from him the clerical tonsure,
And became a priest and abbot of Colonet.
 Upon the death of your master, you took his place
 And zealously governed his church.
 St Magnobod, pray to God that He have mercy on us!


Ton 5 Tropaire à saint Ambroise, évêque de Cahors, (Natalice en 696 A.D.)

Elu au siège de l’église de Cahors,*
Tu tentas de rétablir ordre et discipline,*
Voyant tes efforts inutiles, tu partis*
Et tu vécus en ermite dans le Berri.*
Saint Ambrois, prie le Seigneur de miséricorde*
De montrer grande mercy pour nos pauvres âmes!

Tone 5 Troparion to St Ambrose, bishop of Cahors (+696)
Elected to the see of the church of Cahors,
You tried to restore order and discipline,
But seeing that your efforts were useless, you departed
To live as a hermit in Berry.
Holy Ambrose, pray to the Lord of mercy
To show great mercy to our poor souls!

Ton 7 Tropaire à saint Mommolin, évêque de Noyon et Tournai, (Natalice en 685 A.D.)
Moine à Luxeuil avec ton ami saint Bertin,*
Tu as fondé le monastère de Sithiu*
Dont tu es devenu le premier higoumène.*
Toujours zélé au service de l’Evangile,*
Tu fus évêque de Noyon et de Tournai.*
Saint Mommolin prie Dieu pour qu’Il sauve nos âmes!

Tone 7 Troparion to St Mummolin, bishop de Noyon and Tournai (+685)
Monk at Luxeuil with you rfriend St Bertin,
You founded the monastery of Sithieu (St Omer)
Of which you became the first abbot.
Always zealous in the service of the Gospel,
You became bishop of Noyon and Tournai.
Saint Mummolin, pray to God that He save our souls.

Holy Fathers of the Church, pray to God for us.
Posted by: anna | October 27, 2011

troparia for 14 October

Today (14 October) in the troparia provided by M Lopez-Ginisty at Acathistes et offices orthodoxes, we commemorate SS Enora, Justus of Lyon, Manna, Angadrisma, Burchard of Wurzburg, Celestius of Metz and Donatian of Lyon.

Ton 2 Tropaire à sainte Enora de Bretagne, (Natalice au 7ème siècle)
Fille du Roi de Cambrie, tu avais été*
Promise en mariage à Efflam, Prince d’Irlande.*
Mais celui-ci voulait vivre la vie d’Ermite.*
Il s’enfuit en Bretagne et tu le retrouvas,*
Et lors, vous avez vécu dans la chasteté.*
Sainte Enora prie le Christ de sauver nos âmes!

Tone 2 Troparion to St Enora of Brittany (+7th c)
Daughter of the king of Cambria, you were
Promised in marriage to Efflam, prince of Ireland.
But he wished to live the life of a hermit.
He fled to Brittany and you found him,
And after that you lived in chastity.
St Enora, pray to Christ to save our souls!

Ton 3 Tropaire à saint Just, évêque de Lyon, (natalice en 390 A.D.)
Diacre de Vienne, tu devins évêque à Lyon.*
Tu participas au Concile de Valence*
Avant d’aller vivre en solitude en Egypte.*
Au désert de Scété, saint Viator te suivit,*
Mais tes reliques sacrées revinrent à Lyon.*
Saint Just supplie le Christ d’avoir pitié de nous!

Tone 3 Troparion to St Just, bishop of Lyon (+390)
Deacon of Vienne, you became a bishop at Lyon.
You participated in the Council of Valence
Before going to live in solitude in Egypt
In the desert of Scetis ; St Viator followed you.
Your holy relics returned to Lyon.
St Just intercede with Christ to have mercy on us!

Ton 4 Tropaire à sainte Ménehould, vierge, (Natalice en 490 A.D.)
Fille de Sigmarus, gouverneur champenois,*
Tu consacras ta vie aux œuvres de piété.*
Vierge, tu attendis l’Epoux dans la prière,*
Exerçant la miséricorde autour de toi.*
Sainte Ménehould, toi qui es dans le Royaume,*
Prie Dieu qu’Il accorde à nos âmes sa mercy!

Tone 4 Troparion to St Manna, virgin, (+490)
Daughter of Sigmar , governor of Champagne,
You dedicated your life to works of piety.
A virgin, you awaited the Bridegroom in prayer
While acting with mercy to those around you.
St Manna, thou who art in the Kingdom,
Pray to God that He have mercy on our souls!


Ton 5 Tropaire à sainte Angadrême, higoumène, (Natalice eu 695 A.D.)
Tu voulus imiter ton parent saint Lambert*
Qui menait la vie monastique à Fontenelle,*
Ton père te construisit donc un monastère*
Où tu servis le Christ sans discontinuer.*
Sainte Angadrême de l’Oratoire, prie Dieu*
Pour qu’Il accorde à nos âmes grande mercy!

Tone 5 Troparion to St Angadresima, nun (+695)
You wished to imitate your parent, St Lambert
Who led a monastic life at Fontenelle.
Your father built you a monastery
Where you served Christ without ceasing.
St Angadrisma of the Oratory, pray to God
That He grant to our souls great mercy!

Ton 6 Tropaire à saint Burchard, évêque de Wurtzbourg, (Natalice en 752 A.D.)
Venant de la lointaine Angleterre rejoindre*
Saint Boniface évangélisant les Germains,*
Tu fus mis par lui sur le siège de Wurtzbourg.*
Tu créas tout à l’entour de saints monastères*
Qui propagèrent le message d’Evangile.*
Saint Burchard prie Dieu pour qu’Il ait pitié de nos âmes!

Tone 6 Troparion to St Burchard, bishop of Wurzburg (+752)
Coming from far England to join
St Boniface in bringing the Gospel to the Germans,
You were placed by him in the see of Wurzburg.
You created holy monasteries all around
Which spread the message of the Gospel.
St Burchard, pray to God that He have mercy on our souls!


Ton 7 Tropaire à saint Céleste, évêque de Metz, (Natalice au 4ème siècle)
Saint évêque en la ville de Metz,*
Tu répandis la lumière de l’Evangile,*
Et les œuvres pies de la charité chrétienne,*
Avant de rendre à notre Seigneur magnanime*
Ton âme pure de combattant de la foi*
Saint Céleste intercède pour notre salut!

Tone 7 Troparion to St Celestius, bishop of Metz (+4th century)
Holy bishop of the city of Metz,
You spread the light of the Gospel
And pious works of Christian charity,
Before giving up to your magnanimous Lord
Your pure soul of a fighter for the faith.
St Celestius, intercede for our salvation!

Ton 8 Tropaire à saint Donation, évêque de Reims, (Natalice en 389 A.D.)
Elevé à la dignité épiscopale*
En ville de Reims, où saint Remi fut évêque,*
Tu gouvernas l’Eglise avec grande sagesse,*
Amenant ton troupeau aux portes du Royaume.*
Saint Donatien, toi qui as la faveur de Dieu,*
Prie-Le d’accorder à nos âmes le salut!

Tone 8 Troparion to St Donatian, Bishop of Reims (+389)
Raised to the dignity of the episcopate
In the city of Reims, where St Remi had been bishop,
You governed the Church with great wisdom,
Leading your flock to the gates of the Kingdom.
Saint Donatian, you who are favoured of God,
Pray to Him to grant salvation to our souls!

Holy Mothers and Fathers of the Church, pray to God for us.
Posted by: anna | October 25, 2011

troparia for 12 October

Today in the troparia for early western saints made available by M Lopez Ginisty at Acathistes et offices orthodoxes, we commemorate SS Exuperia, Edwin king of Northumbria, Gerinus of Tarbes, Maximilian of Lorch and Herlind and Relind, abbesses of Maseych.

Tone 2 Tropaire à sainte Exupérie, martyre ( à saint Céré) (Natalice en 760 A.D.)
Jeune fille d’une famille seigneuriale,*
Tu envisageais de consacrer ton âme au Christ Dieu,*
Et lorsque l’on voulut te marier, tu t’enfuis*
Or, ton promis et ton frère te retrouvèrent,*
Et ils mirent fin à ta vie par le martyre.*
Sainte Exupérie prie Dieu pour notre salut!

Tone 2 Troparion to St Exuperia (or Exuperantia), matryred at saint Céré (+760)
Daughter of a noble family,
You intended to consecrate your soul to Christ God,
And when a marriage was proposed for you, you ran away
But your fiance and your brother brought you back
And put an end to your life by martyrdom.
Saint Exuperia, pray to God for our salvation!


Ton 4 Tropaire à saint Edwin, roi martyr de Northumbrie, (Natalice en 633 A.D.)
Roi païen, tu as épousé sainte Ethelburge,*
Et tu fus éduqué par l’évêque saint Paulin de York*
Avant de recevoir le baptême chrétien.*
Tu fus protecteur de l’Eglise anglo-saxonne,*
Et tu achevas ta vie en martyre du Christ.*
Saint Edwin prie Dieu pour le salut de nos âmes!

Tone 4 Troparion to St Edwin, king and martyr of Northumbria (+633)
Pagan king, you married St Ethelburga,
And you were instructed by the bishop St Paulinus of York
Before receiving Christian baptism.
You became a protector of the Anglo-Saxon church
And completed your life as a martyr for Christ.
Saint Edwin, pray to God for the salvation of our souls!


Ton 6 Tropaire à saint Gérin de Tarbes, martyr, (Natalice en 466 A.D.)
Tu menais paisiblement ta vie de fidèle,*
Dans la prière et la douce paix du Seigneur,*
Lorsque les troupes sauvages des Goths ariens*
Voulurent imposer l’hérésie aux chrétiens.*
Tu fus martyrisé pour la foi orthodoxe.*
Saint Gérin prie pour nous le Seigneur de compassion!

Tone 6 Troparion to St Gerinus of Tarbes (+466)
You peacefully lived the life of the faithful
In prayer and the sweet peace of the Lord
Until the savage hordes of the Arian Goths
Wished to impose heresy upon Christians.
You were martyred for the Orthodox faith.
St Gerinus, pray for us to the Lord of compassion!


Ton 8 Tropaire à saint Maximilien, évêque de Lorch, martyr (Natalice en 284 A.D.)
Jeune homme riche, tu as suivi le Seigneur,*
Et tu t’es défait de ta fortune pour Lui,*
En œuvres de charité pour les indigents.*
Elu évêque en la cathédrale de Lorch,*
Par les idolâtres tu fus martyrisé.*
Saint Maximilien prie Dieu pour notre salut!

Tone 8 Troparion to St Maximilian, bishop of Lorch
A rich young man, you followed the Lord,
And you disposed of your fortune for Him
In works of charity for the poor.
Made bishop in the cathedral of Lorch,
You were martyred by the idolaters.
St Maximilian, pray to God for our salvation!


Ton 5 Tropaire aux saintes Herlinde et Relinde, higoumènes, (Natalice en 745 et 750 A.D.)
Sœurs selon la chair et sœurs selon la vraie foi,*
Votre père vous a bâti un monastère*
A Fich sur les bords de la Meuse où vous avez*
Vécu dans l’ascèse, le jeûne et l’oraison.*
Saintes Herlinde et Relinde priez notre Dieu*
Afin qu’Il ait de nos âmes grande mercy!

Tone 5 Troparion to Saints Harlind and Relind, nuns (+745 and 750)
Sisters after the flesh and in the true faith,
Your father built you a monastery
At Fich on the banks of the Meuse
Where you lived in ascesis, fasting and prayer.
Holy Herlind and Relinde, pray to our God
That He have great mercy on our souls!

Holy mothers and fathers of the Church, pray to God for us.
Posted by: anna | October 21, 2011

troparia for 8 October

Today (8 October) in the troparia for early western saints kindly made available as usual by M Lopez-Ginisty at Acathistes et offices orthodoxes, we commemorate SS Caletricus, Evodius, Gratian, Melaria, Porcaria and Palladia and their companions, Triduana and Reparata.
Ton 1 Tropaire à saint Coletric, évêque de Chartres, (Natalice en 567 A.D.)
Chrétien fervent depuis l’aurore de ton âge,*
Tu n’avais que vingt-sept ans lorsque tu devins*
Hiérarque à Chartres pour remplacer saint Lubin.*
Modèle insigne de bonté et de douceur,*
Tu retournas vers le Père en bon serviteur.*
Saint Coletric prie Dieu pour qu’Il sauve nos âmes!

Tone 1 Troparion to St Caletricus, bishop of Chartres (+567 AD)
Fervent Christian since the dawn of your life.
You were only twenty-seven years old when you became
Bishop of Chartres to replace St Lubin.
Signal model of goodness and gentleness,
You returned a good servant to the Father.
St Caletricus, pray to God that he save our souls!

Ton 2 Tropaire à saint Evode, évêque de Rouen, (Natalice au 6ème siècle)

Tu fus dès ton enfance confié à l’Eglise,*
Où siégeait saint Victrice évêque de Rouen,
Pour y recevoir une éducation chrétienne.*
Tu excellas dans les études et dans le chant.*
Ô saint Evode qui devins un jour évêque,*
Prie le Seigneur de nous avoir en Sa mercy!

Tone 2 Troparion to St Evodius, bishop of Rouen (+6th century)
From your infancy you were entrusted to the Church
Where Victricius sat as bishop of Rouen,
There to receive a Christian education.
You excelled in your studies and in the chant.
O St Evodius who later became a bishop,
Pray to the Lord to keep us in His mercy!


Ton 3 Tropaire à saint Grat, évêque de Châlons-sur-Saône, (natalice en 652 A.D.)

Membre d’une illustre famille de Bourgogne,*
Tu servis Dieu avec ferveur dès ton enfance,*
Devenu évêque en l’église de Châlons,*
Tu te retirais souvent dans la solitude*
Pour y converser avec le Dieu de Bonté.*
Saint Grat prie-Le d’accorder à nos âmes le salut!

Tone 3 Troparion to St Gratian, bishop of Châlons-sur-Saône (+652 AD)
Member of an illustrious Burgundian family,
You served God with fervour from your childhood.
Having become bishop of the church of Châlons,
You often retired into solitude
To converse there with the God of Goodness.
Holy Gratianus, pray to Him to grant salvation to our souls!

Ton 4 Tropaire à sainte Mélarie, ermite en Bretagne, (Natalice au 6ème siècle)
Tu vécus dans ton enfance au Pays de Galles,*
Et tu entras très jeune dans un saint couvent,*
Mais ta beauté te fit séduire par un Prince,*
Et tu partis faire pénitence en Bretagne*
Où tu t’endormis dans la paix du Dieu vivant.*
Sainte Mélarie prie-Le d’avoir pitié de nous!

Tone 4 Troparion to St Melaria, hermit in Brittany (+6th century)
You lived during your childhood in Wales
And at a very young age entered a holy monastery
But your beauty caused you to be seduced by a prince,
And you departed to do penitence in Brittany
Where you fell asleep in the peace of the living God.
Holy Melaria, pray to Him to have mercy on us!


Ton 5 Tropaire aux saintes Porcaire et Pallade d’Auxerre, (Natalice au 5ème siècle)
Accompagnées de vos sœurs et d’autres chrétiens,*
Vous êtes allées chercher les reliques saintes*
De saint Germain, l’admirable évêque d’Auxerre,*
Et vous avez passé votre vie dans l’ascèse,*
Athlètes du Christ saintes Pallade et Porcaire,*
Priez Dieu pour qu’Il nous fasse miséricorde!

Ton 5 Troparion to saints Porcaria and Palladia (+5th c)
In the company of your sisters and other Christians,
You went to seek the holy relics
Of St Germanus, admirable bishop of Auxerre,
And you spent your life in ascesis,
Athletes of Christ, holy Porcaria and Palladia,
Pray to God that he grant us mercy!

Ton 6 Tropaire à sainte Triduane, vierge, (Natalice au 5ème siècle)

Fille d’une illustre famille de l’Ecosse,*
Tu te consacras dès ta jeunesse au Seigneur,*
Et tu vécus dans l’ascèse et la prière,*
Accomplissant des miracles par le Saint Nom.*
Tu t’endormis en Christ et t’éveillas au Ciel.*
Sainte Triduane intercède pour nos âmes!

Tone 7 Troparion to St Triduana, virgin (+5th c)Daughter of an illustrious Scottish family,
You consecrated yourself to the Lord from your youth,
And grew up in ascesis and prayer,
Accomplishing miracles by the Holy Name.
You fell asleep in Christ and awoke in heaven.
Saint Triduana, intercede for our souls!

Ton 7 Tropaire à sainte Réparate de Nice, vierge & martyre (Natalice au premier siècle)
Selon la Tradition, tu fus martyrisée*
Au jeune âge de douze ans en Palestine,*
Pour avoir refusé le culte des païens.*
Tes reliques sacrées arrivèrent à Nice*
Où elles accomplirent de nombreux miracles.*
Sainte Réparate intercède pour nos âmes!

Tone 7 Troparion to St Reparata of Nice, virgin martyr (+1st century)
According to Holy Tradition, you were martyred
At the young age of twelve years in Palestine
For refusing to take part in pagan cults.
Your holy relics came to Nice
Where they brought about numerous miracles.
Saint Reparata, intercede for our souls!


Posted by: anna | October 5, 2011

troparia 22 September

It’s been a long time since I blogged much at all, and especially about the early western saints. The real world has been rather demanding – I hope we’re back to (a new) routine now.

Today (22 September in the Julian calendar) I’m celebrating a return to said posts with a bumper crop of troparia by M. Lopez-Ginisty from Acathistes et offices orthodoxes. , commemorating St Silvanus of Levroux, St Emmeram of Regensburg, St Florent of Bavaria, St Salaberga of Laon, St Landelin of Scotland, St Lintrudis or Lutrude, and St Maurice of Agaune.

Ton 1 Tropaire à saint Sylvain de Levroux, (Natalice au premier siècle)

Tu vins de Rome pour illuminer les Gaules,*
C’est pourquoi tu es honoré comme un apôtre*
Dans la région de Levroux où tu exerças*
Ton ministère au service de l’Evangile,*
Ò saint Sylvain, digne disciple du Seigneur,*
Intercède pour que nos âmes soient sauvées!

Troparion in Tone 1 to St Silvanus (+ 1st century)

You came from Rome to illumine the Gauls,
That is why you are honoured as an apostle
in the region of Levroux where you exercised
Your ministry in the service of the Gospel.
O St Silvanus, worthy disciple of the Lord,
Intercede for us that our souls be saved!


Ton 2 Tropaire à saint Emmeran, évêque de France, martyr à Ratisbonne, (Natalice en 652 A.D.)

Enfant d’une illustre famille poitevine,*
Tu te consacras au service de l’Eglise*
Devenu évêque, tu allas en Bavière*
Pour évangéliser un peuple encor païen.*
Pèlerin pour Rome, tu fus martyrisé.*
Ô saint Emmeran implore Dieu pour nos âmes!

Troparion in Tone 2 to St Emmeram, Bishop of Poitier, martyr at Regensburg (+652 AD)

Son of an illustrious family of Poitou,
You dedicated yourself to the service of the Church,
Becoming a bishop, you went to Bavaria
To take the Gospel to a still-pagan people.
As a pilgrim to Rome, you were martyred.
O St Emmeram, entreat God for our souls!


Ton 3 Tropaire à saint Florent de Bavière, confesseur, (natalice en 440 A.D.)

Tu quittas la Bavière pour venir en Gaule*
Te mettre sous la conduite de saint Martin.*
T’ordonnant prêtre, il t’envoya dans le Poitou*
Moine pieux, tu y établis un monastère*
Où dans l’ascèse tu partis vers le Seigneur.*
Saint Florent prie Dieu pour le salut de nos âmes!

Troparion in tone 3 to St Florent of Bavaria, confessor (+440 AD)
You left Bavaria to go to Gaul
To put yourself under the guidance of St Martin.
He ordained you a priest and sent you to Poitou.
There, o pious monk, you established a monastery
Where in the ascetic life you departed to the Lord.
O St Florent, pray to God for the salvation of our souls!

Ton 5 Tropaire à sainte Salaberge de Laon, (Natalice en 654 A.D.)

Aveugle dans ton enfance tu fus guérie*
Par l’intercession fervente de saint Eustase.*
Peu de temps après ton hyménée, tu fus veuve,*
Tu épousas saint Blandin en secondes noces,*
Et avec son accord tu partis au couvent.*
Sainte Salaberge implore le Christ pour nous!

Troparion in the 5th tone to St Salaberga of Laon (+654 AD)

Blind in your childhood, you were healed
by the fervent intercession of St Eustace of Luxeuil.
You were widowed soon after your wedding,
And married St Blandinus as your second husband.
With his consent you entered a convent.
St Salaberga, entreat Christ for us!


Ton 7 Tropaire à saint Landelin d’Ecosse, martyr, (Natalice au 7ème siècle)

Tu vins depuis la lointaine Ecosse en Alsace,*
Et recherchant la solitude avec le Christ,
Tu t’isolas au plus profond de la forêt,*
Vivant la prière et l’ascèse devant Dieu.*
Un chasseur te donnant la mort, t’ouvrit le Ciel.*
Saint Landelin prie le Seigneur de nous sauver!

Troparion in the 7th tone to St Landelin of Scotland, martyr (+ 7th century)

You came to Alsace from faraway Scotland,
And, seeking solitude with Christ,
You isolated yourself in the depths of the forest,
Living in prayer and ascesis before God.
A hunter, by killing you, opened heaven to you.
St Landelin, pray to the Lord to save us!


Ton 8 Tropaire à sainte Lintrude, ermite, (Natalice au 6ème siècle)

Sainte Lintrude, vierge sage d’Evangile,*
Tu vécus avec tes sœurs dans la chasteté,*
Tu reçus le voile des mains de saint Alpin,*
Et puis tu te retiras dans un ermitage*
Pour attendre l’Epoux en prière et ascèse.*
Sainte Lintrude prie Dieu pour notre salut!

Troparion in the 8th tone to St Lintrudis or Lutrude, hermit (6th century)
St Lintrudis, you lived in chastity with your sisters,
You received the veil from the hands of St Alpwin,
And then you retreated to a hermitage
To wait upon the Heavenly Bridegroom in prayer and ascetic practice.
St Lintrudis pray to God for our salvation!

Ton 4 Tropaire à saint Maurice d’Agaune, (Natalice en 286 A.D.)

Soldat du Christ, tu combattis le bon combat,*
Tu refusas de poursuivre les innocents*
Et tu donnas ta vie avec tes compagnons*
Plutôt que de renoncer à ta foi chrétienne.*
Ô saint Maurice, intercède auprès du Seigneur,*
Afin qu’Il nous accorde Sa grande mercy!

Soldier of Christ, you fought the good fight,
You refused to persecute the innocent
And you gave your life with your companions
Rather than renounce your Christian faith.
O St Maurice, intercede before the Lord
That He grant us His great mercy!

and an akathist to St Maurice in French here:

Holy mothers and fathers of the Church, pray to God for us.
Posted by: anna | September 17, 2011

St. Ultan of Ardbraccan

Today (4 September) in the calendar of early British saints we commemorate St. Ultan of Ardbraccan (657), abbot-bishop, illuminator of manuscripts and uncle, biographer and hymnographer of St Brigid.

catholic encyclopedia 
O’Hanlon’s article and another post from Under the Oak
Part of the hymn to St Brigid, sung in Irish, by the Altramar Ensemble. Wish I knew more about how they got from the words (via a Solesmes chant perhaps?) to this beautiful musical rendition.

Holy Father Ultan, pray to God for us.
Posted by: anna | August 26, 2011

St Concordia and St Helen of Burgos

Today (13 August) there are no further commemorations listed on Yorkthodox, but Miss Dunbar provides us with details of two early female saints:
St Concordia, martyr at Rome, 252. Patron of nurses and good children. Nurse of St. Hippolytus. She was scourged to death, and he was tied by the feet to wild horses and dragged through thorns and over rough ground until he died. Nineteen more of the household of Hippolytus were beheaded at the same time. After martyrdom, Concordia was thrown into the cloaca maxima. SS. Irenaeus and Abundius took her body out of the sewer to bury it, and were therefore thrown in alive.

St. Helen (2), Patron of Burgos. Martyred with ST. CENTOLLA in one of the early persecutions. Their history, taken from the records of the church at Burgos, is briefly this: Centolla, having professed Christianity, was put to the torture. A crowd of women came round, and besought her to abjure the Christian faith and suffer no more. Helen, however, a noble virgin, approached Centolla, praised her constancy, and exhorted her to endure to the end. Centolla answered that she gladly suffered, and added, ‘See that thou fail not ; thou wilt suffer with me for Christ.’ The governor, fearing lost the heresy should spread, ordered both to be beheaded. Sierro on the Ebro, Cantabria, and the neighbourhood of Burgos, are mentioned as the scene of their martyrdom. Their bodies were brought to Burgos in the 13th or 14th century.
Holy Saints Concordia and Helen, pray to God for us.
Posted by: anna | August 8, 2011

St Saeva

Today (26 July) in the very quiet calendar of early saints (summer holidays? surely not!) we commemorate St Saeva (Sève, Seva, Seuve, Sev, Sew, Sewa, Segwo, Loeva, Loève, Loaven). Miss Dunbar provides, very briefly: ‘St. Seuve, SEVA or SEUVE of Lobineau, Nov. 30. Daughter of ST. COPAGIA and sister of St. Tugdual. B. Seve or SAEVA, July 26, nun at Langoal in Bretagne. Guerin. Perhaps same as Seuve.’

Miss Dunbar does not list St Copagia or Pompeia with her own feast day, so here is her story, which adds to that of her daughter Saeva; we will return to Tugdual himself in November.

St. Copagia, or POMPEIA, queen of Armorica. Born in the 5th, died in the 6th century. Wife of Hoel I., son and successor of Budic. Hoel and Copagia, with several children, took refuge at the court of their relation, King Arthur, in Great Britain. Hoel returned to his own country in 518, drove out the French, and recovered the kingdom. Soon afterwards he went again to England to help King Arthur, and there he died, in 545. Copagia spent more than half her life in England. Her sons, Tugdual and Leonor, were born there. On his father’s death, Tugdual, who was at the head of a monastery, resolved to return to his native country. His mother, his sister SEVA, and seventy-two monks went with him. They landed near the Conquet, in the parish of Ploumagoer, in Leon. Copagia’s eldest son, Hoel II., surnamed Jona, was now king. He gave his brother a piece of land in that neighbourhood, where he built a monastery. Tugdual travelled all over Brittany, teaching the people and performing miracles of charity, until, in every district of the country, people begged to have a few of his monks settled amongst them, and offered land and service to build suitable residences for them. The principal monastery that Tugdual built was at Trecor, now Treguier, and there he was so much esteemed that the inhabitants of the neighbourhood chose him for their bishop. Childebert, king of France, gave him the bishopric, and desired that he should come to Paris to be consecrated. This he did about 552. (Guerin, Petita Boll.)

wikipedia (French)

Ton 4 Tropaire à sainte Sève, vierge, (Natalice au 6ème siècle)

Fille du roi Hoël et de sainte Pompée
Et sœur de saint Tugdual et de saint Lunaire,*
Tu fus vierge consacrée au Seigneur Jésus,*
Et tu te sanctifias sur la terre bretonne.*
Sainte Sève, qui es auprès du Christ vainqueur,*
Prie-Le afin qu’Il nous fasse grande mercy!

Daughter of King Hoel and St Pompeia,
And sister of St Tugdual and St Leonor,
You were a virgin consecrated to the Lord Jesus,
And attained a state of grace in the land of Brittany.
Saint Saeva, near to Christ the conqueror,
Pray to Him to have great mercy on us!

Posted by: anna | August 7, 2011

Glossinda of Metz

Today (25 July) we commemorate St Glossinda of Metz (also of Champagne) +608. From Miss Dunbar:
St. Glodesind (CHLODSENDIS, CLODESWIDE, CLOSIND, CLOSSEINDE . CLOTHSENDD, CLOTSEND, GLOSSINE, etc.), V. +f c. 608. Patron of Metz. Abbess and founder of a convent at Metz. Daughter of Wintrio and Godila, in the time of Childeric, king of France. Married a young nobleman named Obeleno. He had no sooner taken her to his house than the king sent for him and put him in prison for a year because of some villainy that he had committed, and at the end of that time had him beheaded. Her father wished her to marry again. As she was unwilling, he intended to take her to his sister, Rotelinda, a holy  woman at Treves, that she might persuade her to gratify him. Glodesind, however, fled to Metz, and took refuge there in the Church of St. Stephen. Afterwards she went to her pious aunt Rotelinda at Treves, and was instructed by her in monastic observances. Then her parents gave her means to build a convent at Metz, where she had more than a hundred nuns.
Ton 1 Tropaire à sainte Glossinde de Metz, higoumène, (Natalice en 608 A.D.)

Fille du Duc Wintron, tu refusas l’hymen,*
Afin de te consacrer à l’Epoux Céleste.*

Tu te réfugias donc à l’église de Metz,*

Et tu fondas un couvent où les âmes vinrent*

Se placer sous la protection de saint Benoît.*

Sainte Glossinde, prie Dieu pour notre salut!
Tone 1 Troparion to St Glossinda of Metz, abbess (+608)

Daughter of Duke Wintrio of Champagne, you refused marriage
In order to consecrate yourself to the heavenly Bridegroom.

You fled to the church at Metz,
And founded a monastery, to which souls came
To place themselves under the protection of St Benedict.
Saint Glossinda, pray to God for our salvation!
Posted by: anna | August 6, 2011

24 July troparia

Ton 3 Tropaire à saint Salvien de Marseille, (Natalice au 5ème siècle)

Avec ton épouse tu partis à Leyrins,*
Donnant la garde de tes enfants aux saints moines,*
Tu menas avec elle la vie religieuse.*

Puis tu devins prêtre et tu te sanctifias,*

En servant le fidèle troupeau de Marseille.*
Saint Salvien, prie Dieu pour le salut de nos âmes!

Troparion in tone 3 to St Salvian of Marseille, (5th c)

With your wife you went to Leyrins; *
Giving your children into the care of the holy monks, *
You lived the religious life with her.*
Then you became a priest and you attained a state of grace *
By serving the faithful flock of Marseille .*

Saint Salvian, pray to God for the salvation of our souls!

Ton 4 Tropaire à sainte Ségolène, higoumène, (Natalice au 7ème siècle)

Tu fus la première higoumène de Troclar,*
Amenant les moniales confiées à ta garde*
Par le jeûne, par l’ascèse et par la prière,*
Jusques aux portes du Royaume du Seigneur.*
Sainte Ségolène, toi qui es près de Lui,*
Prie-Le, afin qu’Il ait de nous grande mercy!

Troparion in the 4th tone to Saint Ségolène, abbess (7th c)

You were the first abbess of Troclar, *

Bringing the nuns entrusted to your care *
By fasting, by asceticism and prayer, *
Even to the gates of the kingdom of the Lord .*
Holy Ségolène, you who are close to Him, *
Pray to Him, that He have great mercy on us!


Ton 5 Tropaire à saint Ursin, évêque de Sens, (Natalice au 4ème siècle)

Neuvième évêque de Sens, tu combattis*
La folle hérésie délétère des ariens.*
Tu évangélisas les païens idolâtres,*

Les amenant à la Lumière d’Evangile,*

Leur donnant la liberté des enfants de Dieu.*
Saint Ursin, prie le Christ d’avoir pitié de nous!

Troparion in Tone 5 to Saint Ursinus, bishop of Sens, (4th c)

Ninth Bishop of Sens, you fought against *
The mad and harmful heresy of the Arians.*
You evangelized the heathen idolaters *
Leading them to the Light of the Gospel, *
Giving them the freedom of the children of God.*
Saint Ursinus, pray to Christ to have mercy on us!


Ton 6 Tropaire à saint Wulfhad, martyr, (Natalice en 675 A.D.)

Fils du roi Wulfhere et de la reine Emmelinde,*
Tu as reçu l’illumination du baptême*
En l’Eglise en compagnie de Rufin ton frère.*
Tu fus assassiné avec lui par ton père,*
Et votre tombe devint un lieu de miracles.*
Saint Wulfhad, prie Dieu pour le salut de nos âmes!

Troparion in Tone 6 to St. Wulfhad, martyr (+675)

Son of King Wulfhere and queen Emmelinda, *

You received the illumination of baptism *
into the Church along with your brother Ruffin .*
You were murdered with him by your father, *
And your grave became a place of miracles .*
Saint Wulfhad, pray to God for the salvation of our souls!

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